Computer Algorithms


Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms with Professor Kostas Bekris



We will cover a large subset of the following and possibly some new algorithmic topics and applications, as time permits:

  • Mathematical tools. Review of mathematical background, concepts of algorithm design, complexity, asymptotics, induction, and randomization. Fibonacci numbers. Euclidean gcd algorithms. Universal hashing.
  • Divide and conquer. Fast integer multiplication; recurrences; the master theorem; mergesort; randomized median and selection algorithms; quicksort; fast matrix multiplication.
  • Sorting. Lower bounds for comparison-based sorting; binsort and radix sort.
  • Dynamic ogramming; Paradigm of SPs in DAGs; longest increasing subsequence; apoximate string matching; integer and (0,1) knapsack oblems; chain matrix multiplication; single-pair reliable SPs, all-pairs SPs; independent sets.
  • Graph search. Graph classes and reesentations; depth first search in undirected and directed graphs; topological search; strongly connected components. Breadth first search and layered DAGs.
  • Shortest Paths (SPs) in digraphs. Single-source SPs for nonnegative edge weights; iority queues and Dijkstra; SPs in DAGs; single-source SPs for general edge weights. Maximum adjacency search.
  • Greedy algorithms. Spanning trees and cuts, analysis of union-find and path comession; MST algorithms; randomized algorithm for global minimum cuts; apoximate set cover.
  • Network flows. Max flow min cut theorem and integrality; fast algorithms; disjoint (s,t)-dipaths; maximum bipartite matching & minimum vertex cover. Global minimum cuts.
  • Elements of NP-completeness & oblem reductions.
  • NP-hard oblems. Search and selected apoximation algorithms.



  • CS 112 Data Structures
  • CS 206 Introduction to Discrete Structures II

We assume (and briefly review early on in the class) elements of discrete mathematics, such as logarithms, oofs by induction, series and sums, permutations, asymptotics (big-Oh, big-Omega notation), basics of solving recurrences, as well as concepts of ogramming and data structures, e.g., linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, binary search, recursion, hashing, iority queues, graph algorithms, sorting.

Reading Material

The class will imarily draw upon material from the following book:

  • “Algorithms” by Dasgupta, Papadimitriou & Vazirani, McGraw Hill, 2008.

The following book may also be used as reference:

  • “Introduction to Algorithms” by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest & Stein, McGraw Hill (The chapters in the calendar below refer to the 2nd edition)

The books are not required for the class. Students are expected to take notes during the esentation of the material in the classroom and the recitations. Homeworks and exams will be based on the esented material.


There will be three exams: two midterms and one final. The first midterm will cover the material of the first third of the course, and the second midterm will cover the second third of the course. The final exam will cover material from the entire class. Check the tentative schedule for updates. All exams will be in-class on a date arranged and announced ahead of time.

A missed exam draws zero credit. Emergencies will be considered upon submitting a University-issued written verification to the Instructor; for assistance contact your Dean’s Office. Also, check the definition of Final Exam by SAS.

Homework Assignments

There will be 4 to 5 homeworks. You will be informed in advance when an assignment is due. A tentative scheduled is available on the course’s website. The homeworks consist of actice questions which are intended to assist students in mastering the course content. They may also potentially involve limited ogramming effort.

Homeworks should be completed by teams of students – three at most. No additional credit will be given for students that complete a homework individually. Please inform Athanasios Krontiris about the members of your team (email: tdk.krontir/AT/

Students will receive 10% extra credit if they typeset their report using LaTeX or 5\% extra credit if they typewrite their answers (e.g., using Word). Submit only PDF documents. For instance, if a pair was to receive a score of 62/100 and they typeset their report, then their score will be 68/100, i.e,. they receive a bonus of +10\% of 62 points. Resources on how to use LaTeX are available below.

Submission Rules

No late submission is allowed. If you don’t submit a homework on time, you get 0 points for that homework. The deadline will typically correspond to the beginning of a lecture. Students can submit their homeworks electronically via Sakai.

Grading System

The final grade will be computed according to the following rule **(this is tentative and can change)**:

final grade = max(Case A: With Homeworks, Case B: Without Homeworks)

Case A: With Homeworks

  • Homeworks: 20 points total
  • First midterm: 25 points
  • Second midterm: 25 points
  • Final exam: 30 points
  • Participation: +/- 5 points (this is up to the discretion of the instructor and the TAs)

Case B: Without Homeworks

  • First midterm: 30 points
  • Second midterm: 30 points
  • Final exam: 40 points
  • Participation: +/- 5 points (this is up to the discretion of the instructor and the TAs)

On any assignment (homework or exam), you can either attempt to answer the question, in which case you will receive between 0 and 100% credit for that question, or you can write “I don’t know”, in which case you receive 25% credit for that question. Leaving the question blank is the same as writing “I don’t know.” You can and will get less than 25% credit for a question that you answer erroneously.

Finally, the first exam is a make-or-break situation. If your score on the first exam is 26% or less (which amounts to a blank exam) then you fail the class. The first exam will be early enough for you to drop the class.

Your participation grade can be positive or negative. By default your participation grade is 0…, e.g., if you typically come to the lectures/recitations but you rarely answer questions during the lectures or the recitations, your participation grade will be 0. Positive participation grades will be given to students that actively participate in lectures and recitations. You can also receive a negative participation grade depending on the level of your involvement in the course lectures and recitations (or lack there of) or because of issues related to collusion or cheating in homeworks and exams.

The mapping of scores to letter grades will be determined at the end of the semester. As a rough guide, the following rule may be used for the final grade **(it will be adapted close to the end of the semester)**:

  • A: > 89
  • B+: 80-89
  • B: 70-79
  • C+: 60-69
  • C: 50-59
  • D: 40-49
  • F: less than 40

Students interested in a recommendation letter by the instructor will be offered one only if they achieve a score above 95 after the completion of the course.

Questions about Grading

If you have a question or complaint regarding the points you received on specific parts of a HW assignment, or an exam, staple a sheet of paper on the graded item, stating specifically but very briefly what parts of that document you wish to have reviewed and forward it to Athanasios Krontiris, who will handle the ocess of communicating with the instructor and the other TAs. Please refrain from verbal arguments about grades with the instructor or with any of the TAs. We will try to get back to you within two weeks. The deadline for submitting such requests is the last lecture.

Academic Standards

Exams are to be treated as individual efforts. Homeworks are not to be treated as collective efforts beyond the participation of the team members! Discussions are not allowed on how to solve specific questions in homeworks. Do not discuss assignments with students that are not currently taking the class.

A severe penalty will be given to any assignment which indicates collusion or cheating. The usual penalty for cheating on an assignment or an exam is failure in the course. At a minimum your participation grade will be influenced negatively. Stealing another person’s listing or having another person “ghost write” an assignment will be considered cheating.

Turning in work without operly citing the sources of the content included in your work is plagiarism. All kinds of sources are included in this definition, even those downloaded from the web, in which case an operable link must be cited. Plagiarism from the web or other sources is considered cheating and has the same effects. Even with a reference, submitting an answer to a homework question, verbatim from any source and without any contribution on your part, draws zero credit.

You should carefully study the website of Rutgers University on Academic Integrity and the corresponding policy, as well as the corresponding policy from the department of Computer Science. Your continued enrollment in this course implies that you have read these policies, and that you subscribe to the inciples stated therein.

LaTeX Resources

General info on what you can do with LaTeX: Getting Started with The Not So Short Introduction to Comehensive List of Latex Latex for Logicians

Mac Tex on Mac OS X MacTex

The first link describes many alternatives that are available for installing Tex on a Mac. The second link forwards to the MacTex package, one of the alternatives mentioned in the first website. MaxTex ovides everythink that you need to use Latex on Mac except from a text editor. It is, however, compatible with a wide variety of popular editors (e.g., Alpha, BBEdit, Emacs, VIM, iTeXMac, TeXShop). Note that MaxTex is a large package.

Carbon Emacs has been succesfully tested with MacTex. After installing MacTex, it is possible to directly compile and view *.tex files from Carbon Emacs’s UI.

Note for Mac users: You will obably have oblems eviewing your PDF output when using the postscript images ovided by the instructor for developing the notes. Nevertheless, the PDF file can be inted operly. epare your document without the images and then add them. You will obably still be able to eview the intermediate .dvi output file with the “xdvi” ogram.

Linux (Ubuntu) Latex on Ubuntu Tex Live

You just have to download and install the oper packages described above (e.g., through apt-get), use your favorite editor (e.g., emacs) to epare a *.tex file and then you compile (run at least two times: “latex filename.tex”) to get the *.dvi output. You can go from dvi to postscript with the command “dvips” and you can convert postscript to pdf with the command “ps2pdf”.

Windows Latex for Windows help MikTex (Latex for Windows)

If you follow the instructions on the first link you should be able to get it working on a Windows system.

Below you can find Windows executables (32 bit) for the following ograms (follow the order when installing):





January 24th, 2014 – Lecture


  • He was an Italian mathematician in the 13th century who designed a famous sequence of numbers.$$0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, …$$
    • We can design an algorithm to compute this.$$F_n = F_{n – 1} + F_{n – 2}$$
    • And this can be exessed as a psuedocode function
      fib(n) {
          if (n == 0 | n == 1) {
              return n;
          } else {
              return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
    • $T(n)$ grows at least as much as the value of $Fn$.$$F_n \approx 2^{0.694n}$$
      • This grows exponetially as a function of n.
  • If today, you can compute the 100th number, then after a year, hardware will allow you to computer the 101th number in a sequence.
  • A new function for Fibonacci:
    fib(n) {
        if (n <= 1) {
            return n;
        int F[n];
        F[0] = 0;
        F[1] = 1;
        for (int i = 2; ; n++) {
            F[i] = F[i - 1] + F[1 - 2];
            return F[n];
  • Eventually, the cost is not exponetial, as now our function is linear, it’s in the order of n.
  • Now, it’s quite feasible to get to 200,000th number in the sequence.


  • So far, all computations were treated as equal cost operations.
    • This is a convinient simplication, but it is not true.
    • For instance, addition.
      • For numbers that can fit within your computer’s register, say, 32-bits or 64-bits, then it takes only steps.
      • But for big numbers like the Fibonacci numbers, like $0.69 / n$ bits.
  • Arithemetic operations on large numbers cannot be treated as a single step. You need to think about their reesentation.
    • We need to think in terms of the reesentation of numbers.
      • For example, a number N in base b.
      • You need $\lceil log_b (N+1) \rceil$ digits.
  • If cost of addition is linear to the size of bit reesentation, what is the cost of fib(n)?

Running Time Simplification

  • If you have two functions that reesent two running times for algorithms,$$f(n) = O(g(n))$$$$\exists c, n_0, f(n) \le c \times g(n) \forall n \ge n_0$$

January 29th, 2013 Lecture


  • Example: 13 times 11
  • To compute each row, eitther “X” or “0”, left-shifted.
    • The rows are in the order of “2N”
    • You have to sum them up, and you can do this pairwise.
  • If you do n times an operation which costs n, your runtime is going to be $n^2$.
    • Multiplication is more expensive than addition.
    • Multiplication is quadratic, where addition is linear (with respect to the size of the input).

Alternative Multiplication

  • If you have two decimal numbers, x and y, write them next to each other.
    11           13
    5            26
    2   IGNORE   52
    1            104
                143 (= 13 + 26 + 104)
  • Notice that the third row is ignored in both varieties of multiplication.

  • The expensive operation is the addition if $y$ is odd. So O(n) due to addition.
    • Again, big-O is quadratic.

Modula Arithmetic


Modulo Multiplication

  • The oduct can be in the order of $(N – 1)^2$.
    • The oduct will be at most 2N bits long.



Given a number N, determine whether it is ime.
Given a number N, exess it as a oduct of ime numbers.

January 29th, 2014 Recitation

Asymptotic Bounds

  • There are three types we’ll use
    1. Tight bound
    2. Lower bound
    3. Upper bound, “big O”

Upper Bound (Big-O)

$$f(n) = O(g(n))$$

G is upper upper bound for F if and only if there exists a constant and $n_0$ such that:

$0 \le f(n) \le c g(n)$

O(f) grows no faster than ..

Lower Bound (Big Omega)

$$f(n) = \Omega(g(n))$$ $$\exists c, n_0 (0 \le c g(n) \le f(n) \forall n \ge n_o)$$

O(f) grows faster than …

Tightly Bound (Big Theta)

O(f) grows equal to


Name Function
Logarithmic O(log(n))
Constant O(n)
Power $O(n^a)$
Exponential $O(a^n)$

January 31st, 2014 Lecture

  • All cryptography is based on number theory and number theoretic operties.
    • Think of message as modulo N.
    • Longer message can be broken into smaller pieces.
    • What is a good value for N?


  • Pick any two imes, and lets call them p and q.
    • Then let N be their oduct, N = p * q.
    • For any e so that gcd(e, (p – 1)(q – 1)) = 1
    • Then the following are true:
      1. Take a number x and think of it as your message in your communication, then $x \to x^e$ is a bijection.
        • An a bijection is a one-to-one mapping.
      2. Let $d = e^{-1} mod (p – 1)(q – 1)$, then,$$\forall x \in [0, N – 1] (x^e)^d \equiv x mod N$$


  • Lets say our two ime numbers are p = 5, q = 11.
    • Our N = pq = 55.
    • Now we need to find e such that gcd(e, (5 – 1)(11 – 1)).
      • So the GCD is 1.
    • So lets pick e = 3 is sufficient??
      • So what is the valye of d?$$d \equiv e^{-1} \bmod (p – 1)(q – 1) \equiv 3^{-1} \bmod 40$$
    • This means that 3 times d is equal to modulo 40, which is the modular inverse.
      • For d = 27, we have 3 times 27 which equals 81 or modulo 40.
    • For any message, x modula 55, ecryption is$$y = x^3 \bmod 55$$
    • For any message, decryption is$$x = y^{27} \bmod 55$$

oof of operty

  • We have to show that$$(x^e)^d \bmod N \equiv x \bmod N$$
    • The following are true if e and d have been selected as specific$$e \times d \equiv 1 \bmod (p – 1)(q – 1) \equiv e \times d = k (p – 1)(q – 1) + 1$$

      Fermat’s Little Theorem: If p is ime, then $\forall 1 \le a \le p$:

      $a^p \equiv a \bmod p$ $a^{p -1} \equiv 1 \bmod p$

Summary of RSA


  1. Pick two ime numbers, this is the p and q
    • And for the security of the system, pick two large imes.
  2. You announce to the world that everyone should be sending your message, that is, publish (N, e) where N equals p times q and e relative ime to (p – 1)(q – 1).
  3. Internally compute the ivate key, which is d equal the inverse of e module (p – 1)(q – 1).
    • If you mulitply the two and modulo oduct, the value should be one.


  1. Generate encrypted message $x^e \bmod N$ where e and N come from Bob public key.
  2. When Bob receives this message $x = y^d \bmod N$.

Why is this secure?

  • To break the system, Eve must be able to compute x that has never left Alice given the publically available information, and the public key (N, e).
    • How do you do this?
      • Try to guess x so that $y = x^e$
  • Alternatively, she can try to factor out p and q from N, hence, the intractable factoring oblem.


What are the operations of RSA and what is the running time?

  • Modular exponentiation, plus the decoding.
  • We have to select e, a small integer, but it has to be a relative ime
  • Compute $d = e^{-1} \bmod (p – 1)(q – 1)$ which always exists when $e$ is a relative ime.
  • Pick 2 large ime numbers.

February 7th, 2013 Lecture


  • Pick 2 large n-bit imes.$$N = pq$$ $$e : \gcd(e, (p – 1), (q – 1)) = 1$$ $$d : d = e^{-1} \bmod (p – 1) (q – 1)$$

Greatest Common Divisor

  • If you could perform factoring efficiently, the you could solve the oblem.
    • But we do not have one. So RSA is safe.
Euclid’s observation
$\gcd(x, y) = \gcd(x \bmod y, y)$

function euclid(a, b) {
    if (b == 0) {
        return a;
    } else {
        return euclid(b, a \bmod b);

February 12th, 2014 Lecture

Review of RSA

  • Sender
    • Picks two random imes p and q.
    • Sets N equal to pq.
    • gcd(e, (p - 1)(q - 1))

Fermat: If a number p is ime, then for all smaller numbers, it is the case that $a^{p – 1} \equiv 1 \mod p$

  • How obable is it that this test succeeds? Less than half.
  • A way of generating random imes
    • Pick a random number.
    • Apply the imality test accounrd to Fermat.
    • If it succeeds, then return it.
  • Good news:
    • ime numbers are abundant, frequently arising.
    • A random n-bit number has roughly $\frac{1}{n}$ chance of being ime.

Lagrange’s ime Number Theorem: Let $\pi(x)$ be the number of imes $\le x$.

$$\pi(x) \approx \frac{x}{\ln(x)}$$> Or more ecisely,

$$\lim_{x \to \infty} \frac{\pi(x)}{\frac{x}{\ln(x)}} = 1$$

Hashing Another Application of Number-Theoretic Algorithms

  • Objective: Store and efficiently retrieve IP addresses of the form
    • There are $2^{32}$ possibilities.
  • Let’s say you have n of them ($n << 2^{32}$).
  • One possible way of storing them is an array of 2 to the 32 size that indicates whether an IP address is in the set n IP addresses.
  • Another possibility is a linked list, where you only store the n IP addresses.
    • But O(n) time to access them.
  • Hash tables try to ovide a trade-off.
    • Create an array in the order of n.
  • We need hash function that can return an index to the array and have the following operties:
    • The function will scatter the elements in the array, it will be “random” where they’re going to be placed.
      • If your given the same placement, you should get the same value.
      • Consistency for the same input, it should always return the same index in the array.
  • Picking one of the four numbers can work as a hash function under the assumption that that input is uniformly distributed.
  • Objective: Regardless of the input, we need the “random” operty.
  • Realization: There is no single hash function that behaves well on all input data.
  • Idea: Pick from a family of hash functions randomly so that the probability of 2 elements to be mapped to the same index is $\frac{1}{257}$ size of the array.
  • Every IP address is a tuple : $\lbrace x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4 \rbrace$ where $x_1 \in [1, 256]$.
    • Consider the has function$$h_\alpha (x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4) = \sum_{i = 1}^{4} \alpha_1 \times x_i \mod N$$ If you pick the numbers alpha-1 at random, then $h_\alpha$ is likely to be good.
  • operty: Consider any 2 elements x-1 through x-4 and corresponding ys. If the coefficients are chosen and uniformly at random mod N, then

February 12th, 2014 Recitation

probability Theorem

  • If you have event A, and you want to measure how obable this event is.
    • We have some axioms. The axioms of probability.
  1. $1 \ge P(A) \ge 0$
  2. $P(S) = 1$
  3. $P(A \bigcup B) = P(A) + P(B)$ if A and B are mutually exclusive.

Event of throwing a dice

  • Output: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
  • The probability of any individual role is one in six.
  • The events are independant.
  • The event can be mutually exclusive (with themselves).

Bayes Theorem

Bayes’ Theorem:

$$P(A | B) = \frac{P(B | A) \times P(A)}{P(B)}$$

February 14th, 2014 Lecture

Divide and Conquer Algorithms

  • What is the characteristic here?
    • Break your oblem into smaller instances.
    • In the case of the number-theoretic algorithms, the way we were evaluating the run-time was with bits.
    • Then, recursively solve smaller sub-oblems and then combine these answers.
  • What was the recursively algorithm for multiplication? It was already an instance of divide and conquer.
    • Before for multiplcation, the running time had a big-O of “n-squared”

New Multiplication

  • Now we’ll get a better running time for multiplication, with another idea for multiplcation.
    • Cnosider the following way of writing numbers:
      • x is written as two numbers, with x “sub left” and x “sub right”, where if it’s 10 bits, you have two five bit numbers.$$x = 2^{\frac{n}{2}} \times x_L + x_R$$ $$y = 2^{\frac{n}{2}} \times y_L + y_R$$ $$x \times y = (2^{\frac{n}{2}} \times x_L + x_R)(2^{\frac{n}{2}} \times y_L + y_R)$$
  • Lets think about the new operations and how much they cost.
    • In the above reesentation, we have:
      • Additions (linear)
      • Multiplecation with powers of 2 (linear)
      • Four multiplications between “n over two” bit numbers where we call recursively the same operation.
    • We can define a recursive relation:$$T(n) = 4 \times T(\frac{n}{2}) + O(n)$$
  • Gauss observation reowkred the above exession so as to make use of only 3 of the “n over two” multiplications.
  • At the $(log_2 n$)^{2n}$ level, we get down to size-1.
    • At each level we have $3^k$ suboblems, each of them of size $\frac{n}{2^k}$
    • At each level you have a linear cost for combining the suboblems.
    • At depth k,$$3^k \times O(\frac{n}{2^k}) = (\frac{3}{2})^k \times O(n)$$
    • Now, we’ve managed to decrease the run-time to something like n to-the 1.59 as opposed to n-squared.
  • We are solving multiplication with a divide-and-conquer apoach.
    • By decreasing the number of recursive calls, we managed to get a running time that is better, i.e. the branching factor in terms of recursive calls matters.
    • As a matter of fact, when you have something like …$$T(n) = \alpha \times T(\frac{n}{b}) + O(n^d)$$

Sorting oblems

Master theorem: If you have a recurisve cost-function of the form $T(n) = a \times T(\frac{n}{b}) + O(n^2)$ then:

  • Assume that n is a power of b for convinience.
    • The size of the oblem decreases by b at every level.
  • We need $log_b n$ level to stop the recursion.
    • At level k we have $a^k$ suboblems of size $\frac{n}{b^k}$
      • Work at level k:$$a^k \times O((\frac{n}{b^k})^d) = O(n^d) \times (\frac{a}{b^d})^k$$

Three cases

  1. If $\frac{a}{b^d} < 1$, series is decreasing.
    • The “first term” dominates.
    • Running time:$$O(n^d)$$
  2. If $\frac{a}{b^d} > 1$, series is increasing
    • The “last term dominates”
    • Running time:$$O(n^{\log_b a})$$
  3. If $\frac{a}{b^d} = 1$, all terms are equivilent.$$O(n^d) = O(n^{\log_b a})$$

February 16th, 2014 Reading

Chapter 1 Algorithms with numbers

Given a number N, exess it as a oduct of its ime factors.
Given a number N, determine whether it is a ime.
  • Factoring is hard.
    • Despite lots of effot, the fastest method is exponetial to the number of bits.
  • We can efficiently test whether something is ime!

Basic arithmetic


Basic operty of decimal numbers: The sum of any three single-digit numbers is at most two digits long.

  • This simple rule gives us a way to add two numbers in any base:
    • Align their right-hand ends, and then perform single right-to-left pass in which the sum in which the sum is computed digit-by-digit, maintaining the overflow as a carry.
      • Since we know each individual sum is a two-digit number, the carry is always a single digit, and so at any given step, three single digit numbers are added.
        Carry: 1        1  1  1     
                  1  1  0  1  0  1  (53)
                  1  0  0  0  1  1  (35)
               1  0  1  1  0  0  0  (88)
  • Given two binary numbers, how long does our algorithm take to add them?
    • We want the answer exessed as a function of the size of input.
      • The number of bits.
    • Suppose that x and y are n bits longs.
      • The the sum of x and y is n + 1 bits at most.
      • Each bit of the sum is computed in a fixed amount of time.
      • The total running time for addition:
        • Of the form $c_0 + c_1 n$ where “c-zero” and “c-one” are some constant.
        • In other words, it is linear.
        • The running time is O(n).
  • Is there a faster algorithm?
    • In order to add two n-bit numbers, we must at least read them and write down the answer, and even that requires n operations.
    • The algorithm is optimal, up to multiplicative constants!
  • Why O(n) operations? Isn’t binary addition done in one instruction?
    1. Only addition operations that are within a computers word-length, often 32 or 64.
      • It is often useful and necessary to handle number much larger than this, several thousand bits long.
      • Operations on these big numbers is often like operating bit-by-bit.
    2. When we want to understand algorithms, it makes sense to study the basic algorithms that encoded to the hardware.
      • Focus on bit complexity.
Multiplication and division
  • The grade-school algorithm for multiplying to numbers is to create an array of intermiediate sums, each reesenting the oduct of the first number by a single digit of the second.
    • These values are left-shifted and right-shifted and added.
  • Thirteen times eleven in binary:
                1  1  0  1  (binary 13)
             x  1  0  1  1  (binary 11)
                1  1  0  1  (1101 times 1, shifted no)
             1  1  0  1     (1101 times 1, shifted once)
          0  0  0  0        (1101 times 0, shifted twice)
    +  1  1  0  1           (1101 times 1, shifted thrice)
    1  0  0  0  1  1  1  1  (binary 143)
  • Psuedo code:
    function multiply(x, y) {
        if (y == 0) {
            return 0
        z = multiply(x, floor(y / 2));
        if (y is even) {
            return 2z;
        } else {
            return x + 2z;
  • How long does this take?
    • If x and y are both n-bits, then there are n intermediate rows, with lengths of up to 2n bits (taking the shiting into account).
    • The total time to add up these rows, doing two numbers at a time:$$O(n) + O(n) + … + O(n)$$ (n – 1) times.
      • This is $O(n^2)$, or quadratic in the size of the inputs.
      • Still polynomial but much slower than addition.
  • Can this be imoved?
    • Al Khwarizmi knew another way to multiple.
    • To multiply two decimal numbers, write them next to each other.
      • Then, repeat: Divide the first number by 2, rounding down the result, and double the second number. Keep going until the first number gets down to 1.
      • Then, strike out all the rows in which the first number is even, and add up whatever remains in the second column.
        11  13
         5  26
         2  52  (strike out)
         1 104
           143  (answer)
  • Pseudocode!
    function divide(x, y) {
        if (x == 0) {
            return (q, r) = (0, 0);
        (q, r) = divide(floor(x / 2), y);
        q = 2 * q;
        r = 2 * r;
        if (x is odd) {
            r = r + 1;
        if (r >= y) {
            r = r - y;
            q = q + 1;
        return (q, r)
  • Is this algorithm correct?
    • Verify that it mimics the description of the rules.
  • How long does this algorithm take?
    • It must terminate after n recursive calls, because at each call y is halved.
      • That is, the number of bits is decreased by one.
    • Each recursive call requires these operations:
      • A division by 2 (right shift)
      • A test for odd/even (looking up the last bit)
      • A multiplication by 2 (left shift)
      • Possible on addition, O(n).
    • The total time is $O(n^2)$ therefore.
  • Can we do better?
    • Intuitively, you think that you need to, at most, do n operations n times to add.
    • But no! Chapter 2 will show you can do better.

Modular arithmetic

  • With repeated addition or multiplication, numbers get very big.
    • We “reset to zero” whenever time reaches 24.
    • Similarly, the built-in arithmetic operations of computer ocessors, numbers are restricted to a size, say 32 or 64, which is generous for most purposes.
  • For imality testing and cryptography, it is necessary to deal with numbers that are significantly bigger.
  • Modular arithmetic is a system for dealing with restricted ranges of integers.
x modulo N
The remainder when x is divided by N.

If x = qN + r with 0 <= r < N, then x modulo N is equal to r.

  • One way to think of modular arithmetic deals with all the integers, but divides them in N equivilence classes, each of the form $\lbrace i + kN : k \in \mathbb{Z} \rbrace$ for some i between ) and N – 1.
    • For example, there are three equivilence classes of modulo 3:
      ...  -9  -6  -3  0  3  6  9  ...
      ...  -8  -5  -2  1  4  7  10 ...
      ...  -7  -4  -1  2  5  8  11 ...

      Any member of the class is substituable for any other.

Substitution rule: If $x \equiv x’ ( \bmod N)$ and $y \equiv y’ (\bmod N)$, then:

$$x + y \equiv x’ + y’ (\bmod N)$$> $$xy \equiv x’ y’ (\bmod N)$$ – It is not hard to check that in modular arithmetic, the usual associate, commutative, and distributive operties of addition and multiplication continue to apply. – For instance: – Associativity – Commutativity – Distributivity

-   You can simplify big numbers with this. Witness:

    $$2^{345} \equiv (2^5)^{69} \equiv 32^{69} \equiv 1^69 \equiv 1 (\bmod 31)$$
Modular addition and multiplication
  • To add two numbers “x and y modulo N“, we start with regular addition.
    • Since x and y are both in the range of 0 to N – 1, their sum is between 0 and 2(N – 1).
    • If the sum exceeds N – 1, we merely need to subtract of N to bring it back to the required range.
    • The overal computation therefore consists of an addition, and possibly a substraction, of numbers that never exceed 2N.
    • Its running time is linear in the sizes of these numbers.
      • In other words, O(n), where n = ceil(log N), is the size of N.
  • To multiply two mod-N numbers x and y, we again just start with regular multiplication and then reduce the answer modilo N.
    • The oduce can be as large as $(N – 1)^2$.
      • But this is still at most 2n bits long.
    • To recude the answer modulo N, we compute the remainder upon dividing it by N, using our quadratic-time division algorith,
    • Multiplication remains a quadratic operation.
  • Division is not so easy.
    • Will be do later.
  • To complete the suit of modular arithmetic imitives we need for cryptography, we next turn to modular exponentiation, and then to greatest common divisor, which is the key to division.
Modular exponentiation
  • What is the algorithm?
    function modular-exponentiation(x, y, N) {
        if (y == 0) {
            return 1;
        z = modulor-exponentiation(x, floor(y / 2), N);
        if (y is even) {
            return (z ** 2) % N;
        else {
            return (x * (z ** 2)) % N;
  • In the cryptosystem we are working towards, it is necessary to compute “x to the y mod N” for the values of x, y, and N that are several hundred bits long. How can this be done quickly?
  • The result is some number modulo N and is therefore itself a few hundred bits long.
    • However, the raw value of “x to the y” could be much, much longer than this.
      • Even when x and y are just 20-bit numbers, “x to the y” is at least $(2^{19})^{2^{19}} = 2^{(19)(524288)}$, about 10 million bits long!
  • To make sure the numbers we are dealing with never grow too large, we need to perform all intermediate computations modulo N.
    • Here’s the idea:
      • Calculate $x^y \bmod N$ by repeatedly multiplying by x modulo N. The resulting sequence of intermediate oducts,$$x \bmod N \to x^2 \bmod N \to x^3 \bmod N \to … \to x^y \bmod N$$ consists of number that are smaller than N, and so the individual multiplications do not take too long.
      • But there’s a oblem! If y is 500 bits long, we need to perform “2 to the 500” multiplication! The algorithm is clearly exponetial in the size of y.
  • Luckily, we can do better.
    • Starting with x and squaring repeatedly modulo N, we get:$$x \bmod N \to x^2 \bmod N \to \cdots \to x^{2^{\log y}} \bmod N$$
    • Each takes $O(log^2 N)$ to compute, with only log y multiplications.
      • To determine this, multupli together these powers.$$x^{25} = x^{11001_2} = x^{10000_2} \times x^{1000_2} \times x^{1_2} = x^{16} \times x^8 \times x^1$$
      • A polynomial time algorithm
  • We can package this idea in a simply recusrive algorithm described at this begninng of this section.
    • Let n be the size of bits x, y, and N (whichever of the three is largest)
      • Like multiplication, the algorithm will halt after at most n recursive calls.
      • During each call it multiplies n-bit numbers
      • Doing computation modulo N saves us here.
    • Running time of $O(n^3)$
Euclids algorithms for greatest common divisor
  • Given to integerns a and b, find the largest integer that divides both of them, known as their greatest common divisor (gcd).
  • The most obvious apoach is to first factor a and b, and the multiply together their common factors.
    • For instance, $1035 = 3^2 \cdot 5 \cdot 23$ and $759 = 3 \cdot 11 \cdot 23$, so their GCD is $3 \cdot 23 = 69$.
    • However, we have no efficient algorithm for factoring.
      • Is there some other way?
  • Euclid’s algorithm uses the following simple formula.

    Euclid’s rule: If x and y are positive integers with $x \ge y$, then $\gcd(x, y) = \gcd(x \bmod y, y)$.

  • Euclid’s rule allows us to write down an elegant recursive algorithm:
    function Euclid(a, b) {
        if (b == 0) {
            return a;
        return Euclid(b, a % b);
    • This means that after any two consective rounds, both arguments a and b are at very least halved in value – the length of each decreases by at least on bit.
      • If they are initially n-bit integers, then the base case will be reached within 2N recursive calls.
      • And since each call involves a quadratic-time division, the total time is $O(n^3)$.
An extension of Euclid’s algorithm
  • A small extensions is the key to dividing in the modular world.
  • Suppose someone claims that d is the GCD of a and b:
    • How can we check this?

    Lemma: If d divides both a and b, and d = ax + by for some integers x and y, then necessarily d = gcd(a, b).

  • So, if we can supply two numbers x and y such that d = ax + by, then we can be sure that d = gcd(a, b).
    • What is even better is that those x and ys can be found by a small extension of Euclid’s algorithm.

    Lemma: For any positive integers a and b, the extended Euclid algorithm returns integers x, y, and d such that gcd(a, b) = d = ax + by.

Modular division
  • In real arithmetic, every number that doesn’t equal zero has an inverse, that is, one over itself.
    • Dividing by a number is the same as multiplying by its inverse.
      • In modular arithmeric, we can make a similar definition.
Multiplicative inverse
We say x is the multiplicative inverse of a modulo N if $ax \equiv